Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dare to Bare

Can I just confess something here?

I love - LOVE - looking at photos of "celebrities without makeup." 

No, I'm not proud. I judge. I totally do. 

But I'm going to stop that - stop judging the celebrities and my fellow "real girls" who don't have an army of makeup artists or photoshop experts to take us from "ordinary" to "Ooh-la-la!" In this photograph, I haven't even brushed my teeth or ran a comb through my tangled, bedhead locks. My friends, here I am:  acne scars, under-eye circles, moles and all. Au naturale, as those chic French people say. 

Honestly, this picture was scary to take. We all want bigger eyes, higher cheekbones and glossier lips. But at some point, we have to look at ourselves and accept ourselves as is. I have never seen a makeup free picture of myself that I actually liked. 

But this is me. Almond-eyed, short lashed, tangled hair and pale. The way God made me. 

So today, I dare to bare.

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