Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's-a Pizza Time-a, Si?

Pizza is not my food weakness.

My weaknesses include (but are not limited to): egg rolls, French fries, Dove bars, gummy snacks, Gushers, anything from Haagen-Dazs, beer, Starburst jelly beans, cheddar & sour cream chips, strawberries, macaroni & cheese, hamburgers, steak, calamari, pretty much anything on any happy hour menu anywhere, chewy ginger molasses cookies, mangoes, mussels, any pasta with some version of tomato cream sauce, bacon, creamy garlic mashed potatoes and breadsticks.

But not pizza.

Until last night.

When I made this:

You know when you're trying really hard to eat healthy and then you eat something really bad for you and you think to yourself, "Man, I should NOT have eaten that!" This was not one of those times. This was more like, "I don't know and I don't care how many calories were in there. It was completely and totally worth it." 

This is not diet food. I repeat. This is not diet food. But, one oh-it's-so-bad-it's-good meal every once in a while will not destroy you. In fact, I am completely and utterly convinced that indulgence is an absolute necessity in life. As is this pizza. Your life is incomplete until you've made and eaten a large amount of this pizza. And the good news is, it's easy!!

Here are the ingredients: 
The Players:
6 oz. Prosciutto
Fresh Mozzarella
Blue Cheese Crumbles
Pizza Dough
Fig Jam
(this is enough for two, very thin crust pizzas)

Roll 1/2 the pizza dough as thinly as possible. Drizzle a little bit of olive oil on top of the dough. Put a big blob of fig jam on top. If you don't think it's enough, add a little more!! Slice the mozzarella thin and lay on the crust. Don't put too much of it on!! Sprinkle with a little bit of blue cheese. Bake in the oven at 450 for 10 minutes. 

Immediately after removing the pizza from the oven, lay the prosciutto on top of the pizza so it sinks into the cheese. Put a good handful of the arugula on top of the pizza. Wait for a few minutes.

Slice and eat!! Feel yourself melt into the deliciousness that is this pizza. 

Possible vegetarian variation: instead of prosciutto, immediately add sliced pears and candied walnuts. Then top with fresh arugula! 

1 comment:

  1. Ahh I think I see Arugala there.You are so creative. Cant wait for you come home to make all these yummy food.
