Saturday, September 25, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

As a law student, I sometimes get the sneaking suspicion that I should be "above" certain things in life. Alas, I am not. And never will be. And that's how I like it.

Things that should be considered "guilty pleasures" but are, in fact, just regular ones.

Glamour Magazine

Gossip Girl

Burger King Chicken Sandwich

Bonne Bell Lip Lites

People Magazine

Booty Music!

What are your guilty pleasures? Do you want to admit to them? Share!


  1. I love the post!!! Some of my guilty pleasures include many CW shows (Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Life Unexpected) and scratch lotto tickets.

  2. I laughed out loud when you said your guilty pleasure included scratch lotto tickets!
